Monday, September 7, 2009

Batman - Arkham Asylum: Review

Lets be honest, there hasn't been a good Batman game since...well, since never. This is the first good Batman game, in fact its not good, it's great!

The game begins with Batman driving towards Arkham Asylum with Joker in hand, an easy catch, one would say a little too easy. From there we see the Joker escaping the clutches of the prison guards and raising hell from within the Aylum.

It's up to you, Batman to save the day and restore order once again.

From the get go you can see that a lot of love has gone into this title. From the stunning visuals to the fantastic voice work of all characters, especially the Joker who is voiced by none other than Mark Hamill from the animated series.

An action adveture sees Batman fighting, exploring and investigating his way through some of the most interesting environments I have seen since Bioshock. The Bioshockness does not end there, infact the whole game has that feel to it and I loved it from start to finish.

The fighting mechanics, building up combo's and defeating foes with slow mo counter attacks has never been so much fun. It doesn't just throw fights your way for the sake of it.

By the end of this 10 to 12 hour adventure you will feel as though you have explored the island to its fullest, the main campaign makes sure of it. I immediately jumped right back in to find the remainder of the riddler's riddles.

This is the first contender for game of the year in my books and I can safely recommend it as a must have game for 2009.

Gameplay = 8.8
Visuals = 9.1
Sound = 9.0
Game Now Score = 8.9/10

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