Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Review Round Up

Watchmen - The End Is Nigh Parts 1 & 2: I really wanted this game to be good, however the really lose controls and repetition just drive this game (both parts) to the ground. What we have here is a generic beat em up that fails to delivery on any front. 4/10

Infernal Hells Vengeance: Quite possibly the worst xbox 360 game to date, there is nothing positive to say about this game, stay well clear 2/10

Call Of Juarez 2 - Bound In Blood: When the original Call of Juarez hit the 360 a few years back it was faced with mixed reviews but the general consensus was that the game had issues. Call Of Juarez 2 has also split the gaming community. Some people had a blast playing it and others like myself found it a painful experience. Apparently the game gets better as you get into it but I did not stick around long enough to find out. If I have to play a game for 2 hours just to see it start to take shape then you can count me out. A game should start off strong from the moment you press START. 6/10

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