Friday, January 22, 2010

Darksiders - Review

Darksiders is an action-adventure game developed by first timers Vigil Games.
You play as a character named "War", one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The Opening scene of the game shows the apocalypse of the world taking place prematurely and the four horsemen being blamed for starting the devastation.

It is up to you "WAR" to find out who is behind it all and bring them to justice. In typical game fashion, you are caught between angels and demons, have lost much of your power and need to prove yourself all over again. Darksiders is primarily an action-adventure game, with about equal time devoted to combat and puzzle-solving/platforming.

We need to give Vigil games some credit here, what they have created is a fun action packed game that never feels dull and is always introducing new and exciting things to master throughout War’s quest for justice.

The combat is very satisfying, there are many different combat options you can unlock and you are able to customize your fighting style and power up a specific weapon to meet your killing needs.

The game does a very good job of making the world feel bigger than it actually is with clever level design and some fantastic looking environments. Darksiders does not disappoint. The visuals are great with screen tearing the only downside to the 360 version. (soon to be patched)

Along your travels you will come across several dungeons that require some puzzle solving before you can advance to the inevitable boss battle ahead. These are a lot of fun and fit it perfectly with the overall feel of the game.

There is one specific boss battle at the start of the game (Tiamat) which is painfully frustrating when it really shouldn’t be, luckily things look up from there as the rest of the boss battles are fun and very satisfying.

Vigil have created a new IP that will hopefully see a sequel that will improve on the foundations built here. Darksiders is a fun action adventure game that is very easy to recommend.

Gameplay =8
Visuals = 8.5
Sound = 8
Game Now Score = 8.2/10

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