Thursday, January 8, 2009

Killzone 2 - Halo killer?

2008 was a great year to be a xbox 360 gamer, however the PS3 had its fair share of exlusives to keep it in the hunt. There is no doubt that the 360 had better content overall however will 2009 be the year of the PS3?

Many are suggesting that if the PS3 is to make any ground on the 360 this year, Killzone 2 will be one of the games that will make a difference. From what we have seen so far Killzone 2 will feature jaw dropping visuals and brilliant sound and lighting effects.

Lets hope that the story is also worthy and that Sony get the multiplayer right from day one. This should not be a problem with the recent Resistance 2 doing very well on the multiplayer front.

Is it a Halo killer? Well they talked about Killzone 1 being the Halo killer many years ago and that didn't go down to well, that and also the fact that Killzone 1 was a terrible game.

With some interesting content heading to the PS3 this year, we could see the next gen war heat up - bring it on I say.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't think it will make me go out and by a PS3