Sunday, July 6, 2008

Unreal Tournament 3 - Review

I would like to start off by saying that I really respect Epic Games when it comes to producing value for money games for all of us. They are amongst a small group of developers that really put their heart and soul into everything they release and it shows with Unreal Tournament 3.

UT3 is all about action packed, fast combat with jaw dropping visuals and killer sound to boot. The visuals in UT3 are fantastic and the game runs at a blistering framerate with no slowdown to be found even in the heaviest of battles.

From the character models to the stunning battle grounds, UT3 looks the part from all angles. The weapons although not realistic feel great and are so accurate that every other developer (besides Activision) should study this game and take notes on how to make a first person shooter.

Unreal Tournament has never been known for its story and UT3 is no exception. The story is shocking, you will find yourself skipping the majority of this as I did, it just does not have any weight at all, pity.

Where UT3 shines is in its gameplay and more specifically in Multiplayer! Multiplayer action is fantastic. Once you find yourself a good ping and a good group of people online, you will have a blast. There are a heap of multiplayer modes to choose from but from what I have played it looks like team deathmatch is the most popular.

The sound in UT3 is very good although the comments made by other players like “yeah, take that!” do get a little annoying after a while.

If you’re after a shooter that is hardcore in nature but easy to pick up and play, this is the game for you.

Gameplay = 8.5
Visuals = 8.5
Sound = 7.5
Game Now Score = 8.3/10

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