Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Death Of Single Player Gaming?

There is a general trend I am noticing with every game that is being released in recent times. It's the "lets make sure we have some sort of multiplayer or co-op component in our game".

Don't get me wrong, I like it when developers include multiplayer that is done correctly, however I am getting increasingly annoyed that multiplayer is the new focus on many of these games. Take Uncharted 2 on the PS3 for example. Why anyone would want to play multiplayer or co-op uncharted 2 is beyond me. Why does every game need to have a multiplayer or co-op component. Why not focus your energy in actually making the game GOOD!

I know for a fact that there is a big team over at Naughty Dog (the people behind uncharted) that is working soley on the multiplayer/co-op component of the game. Let's hope it doesn't take away from the single player experience.

Even our faithful BIOSHOCK 2 has fallen into the multiplayer trap. I mean do we really need to see Bioshock multiplayer? really?

I would like to see developers focusing on what makes their games great and if that is the single player experience then lets get that part right. Don't feel pressured into wacking on a multiplayer game and have it be a throwaway thing as we have seen in most cases over the last year or so.

Is single player gaming dead? I certainly hope not.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

At the 4th Hour -- Red Faction Guerilla

OMG -- I believe we have a sleeper here, Red Faction Guerrilla is a game that will creep slowly on the store shelf, and it is worth a look.
The back story here is all about the colonisation of the planet Mars, you are a demolition expert turned resistance fighter against the usual large corporation goons. From the start you notice that Red Faction, do things differently.

Lets start with the game play, I have the mention the destructive environment, armed with a sledge hammer and explosive, you can level entire buildings. The detail on the demolition when you swing your sledge hammer, will make you go wow. This game takes driving a vehicle through a building to another level. Then to the driving, you feel every bump and jump it is so much fun. As I am only 4 hours into the game, I was able to take control of a large walking construction vehicle, again so much fun. They have nailed all aspect of the game play here, this includes the ability to set multiple charges (so far I can set 5). Shooting is fun and I have to mention that the difficulty is quite hard on normal, which takes the game to another level.

The level design is something different again, driving around on the planet Mars, is different and amazing. Ohh did I mention that this is a sandbox environment. You can go and do what you like.
The detail in the destruction is so hard to describe, you have to see it for yourself.

The sound, is very good, speech is a little soft, but you can it the wind howling and the enemy talk about you being your back, as you seek in for the swing away kill.

Overall this game needs to be seen to believe, I can see myself playing this for a long time. The open world, the destructibility and the mission selection makes my top 5 list for 2009 so far.

Gameplay = 9.1
Visuals = 8.9
Sound = 8.6
Game Now Score = 8.8/10